Quick efficiency

From the first weeks of use, Crystalplus will stabilize and clarify your pool water.
CrystalPlus homepage image showcasing eco-friendly water treatment solutions for pool and spa maintenance.

It is safe even in presence of high concentrations of chlorine or other disinfectants. As in the case of all other types of treatment, it is necessary to maintain a good balance of water:

  • Total alkalinity (TAC)
  • Calcium hardness (TH)
  • Potential for hydrogen (pH)

A sufficient concentration of disinfectant (chlorine, bromine, etc.) is also essential. Monitor these parameters using an appropriate test kit. The temperature and nature of the water can affect these parameters. Crystalplus is not compatible with PHMB (Biguanide).

Refer to the dosage calculator to assess the quantity required.

Beginning of the season

Depending on the quality of the water, a shock treatment may be necessary to open your pool.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for chlorine (or other disinfectants used) for the amount to use. For optimal treatment, aim for a pH of 7.0 to 7.4.

In this range, water is gentle on the skin and the effectiveness of disinfectant products is optimized.

During the season

Use Crystalplus once a week.

You can pour it directly into the skimmer. Then let the filter run for several hours to allow adequate diffusion of the product. For cartridge filtration systems, dilute the required amount in warm water (preferably) before pouring it directly into the pool. Refer to the table on the container for the quantity to use.

If the treatment starts in mid-season, dilute a dose of Crystalplus in a bucket of water (preferably warm). Pour the mixture in front of the discharge nozzles or scatter it around the basin.

Pool closure

Crystalplus made pool maintenance easier throughout the season. It can also make your life easier in the spring.

At the time of closing, you can dilute a dose of Crystalplus in a bucket of warm water and pour the mixture in front of the discharge nozzles or scatter it around the basin. Make sure to let your filtration system run for a few hours to ensure mixing. In most cases, this addition will keep the algae-free pool water until spring.

Please note, however, that Crystalplus cannot remove fallen leaves from your pool. It is even highly recommended to remove them before freezing. Otherwise the principle of infusion will occur and your water will be algae-free but “tea” in the spring.

Pool treated with Crystalplus during the season: the same quality of water in spring!

Pools with problems

To great ills, great remedies

Following the shock treatment with the disinfectant, dilute a dose of Crystalplus in a bucket of warm water. Pour the mixture in front of the discharge nozzles or scatter it around the basin.

Crystalplus does not replace disinfectants

It is VERY important to ALWAYS maintain a safe concentration of disinfectants in water.

The number of bathers and the water temperature affect this concentration. Maintaining a sufficient level of disinfectants in the water helps maintain healthy, clear water.

In case of excessive rain, in very hot weather or after intensive use of the pool, it may be necessary to add disinfectant in order to maintain a safe concentration.

pH stabilization

Maintaining water at an optimal pH doubles the effectiveness of chlorine throughout the season.

Disinfectant reduction

Reducing the use of disinfectant as an algaecide will save you considerably.

Algae control

Effective and safe algaecide that inhibits photosynthesis, eliminating algae even invisible to the eye.

Water clarification

The ingredients stimulate the efficiency of the filtration system, so the transparency of the water.
CrystalPlus 500g and 2kg for eco-friendly pool and spa care, natural treatment, chemical reduction.
To facilitate the maintenance of your pool